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11 stories

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48 stories

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My Favourite Publications

16 stories

Teenage girl looking at herself in a heart shaped mirror. She has a single slim plait on in hair that falls across her cheek
Woman with dark hair and red lipstick wears a red dress and reposes on her elbows, with a glass of red wine in front of her. Logo Teaser Tales : Submission Guidelines
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78 stories

A black and white image of a blonde woman crouching low next to a vase on a trolley
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11 stories

A young woman’s profile with a prism of rainbow light shining on her face.
Young woman with dark curly hair crying
A newborn baby with its mother.
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10 stories

A likeness of the photo the navy sent me of my dad
A newborn baby with its mother.
A woman dressed in black walking away past a vast wall with the word ‘disconnect’ written in the middle of it.
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100 stories

A young woman’s profile with a prism of rainbow light shining on her face.
A likeness of the photo the navy sent me of my dad
A person holding up a tiny yellow duck in front of their face
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2024 Must Read Medium Stories

39 stories

a giggling girl and her sporty laughing mom in the bleachers
A beautiful, little, Chinese girl on the ruins of a house. She is hurt and filthy.
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Sharing/Writing: Stories that share other writers work

72 stories

Man with wife and stepmom
Girl with pink hair and blue eyelashes
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Hope - a Microfiction series by Debdutta Pal and May More

25 stories

Woman smelling a rose with the reflection of a rainbow across her face
Young woman looking emotional
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Deluded Custodian Winner Teasers

10 stories

A weird looking guy in grey scale
A woman with blue hair looking shocked: Image by Alexey Marcov from Pixabay
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About Me & Poems

20 stories

A picnic bench on the beach
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More Meta Medium

14 stories

Two people clapping — popart
A strange creature with a human head and lots of arms and legs
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Fictionalised Tales (based on true events)

20 stories

A black and white image of a young man with long dark curly hair and a young woman with blonde wavy hair.
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Personal Opinion Matters

46 stories

A woman with long dark hair holding a rope apple out to the camera
A person holding up a tiny yellow duck in front of their face
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A selection of Teaser Tales

75 stories

close-up-photography-of-smiling woman
Mystical woman, witch, lies on her back in woodland with her hand in the air as if she was throwing something out or casting a spell
A young woman waiting in the dark
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Great comments

30 stories

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Must Read Medium Stories from 2023 & Before

70 stories

closeup of two young beautiful women kissing
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The Sins of Red: Crime Fiction Serial

28 stories

A dark haired young woman looking over at a red haired woman
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Transgressive Fiction: Breaking free

98 stories

A girl sitting at her desk on the computer — a mans face looks back
A couple walking hand in hand
Pretty red haired woman in a library
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Mother, Horticulturist - Mistress of Flash Fiction, Writer, Owner/Editor - Tantalizing Tales & Lipstick & Powder - I like coffee, individuals & things that grow